Sunday, August 12, 2012

A beautiful Sunday

Oh yeah! We had a pretty hot week( mid 90's) but the weather report was for a cool 
    Sunday( mid 80's). So I was excited to go out and do some photographing. I decided to go down to my favorite spot and see how everyone was doing.

 I was hoping to see the avocets but I think they have already left for the winter. But I did see this young GBH doing some fishing.......

       I think I saw some of the young wood ducks and mom. The babies are almost as big as mom! The first pic is one of the young wood ducks and the second is mom with one of her young. Wow! do they grow fast,huh?

      The frogs were in full chorus this morning and was able to get a few pics of this one.

     I noticed quite a few snowy egrets were around today. I usually see about 4-5 but today there was at least 10-12 of them. They and the cormorants were doing some fishing together......

     Usually if the cormorants are not fishing, they're sitting in a tree on the small island but not today.......with the water so low, they were hanging out drying their wings on some rocks....

      There are mallards all over the place, so it was easy to find a young one napping....


         I saw a flash of yellow and got a pic of this cutie. Not sure what bird it is yet....


     I was just getting ready to head out when I saw this swallow's nest under the gazebo....

   On my way home I decided to stop at Prospect park in Wheatridge. I had not been there in a few months, so wanted to check it out. It was pretty quiet except for this very cool dragonfly!
I love dragonflies but hardly ever get a chance at getting a pic of them. This one posed nicely for me!

     As I was walking back to the parking lot, this flower caught my eye....I really liked the contrast of the fresh flower next to dried up flower....


            Thanks for reading! 

And if you live in the Denver area, I'll be selling my note cards at the Metaphysical fair in Denver Labor day weekend. Stop by and say hi :) And if you need more info about the show, please ask!

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