Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Surprises

    I love Sunday mornings! Especially when it means I get to go photographing. I had not been down to my favorite spot in a bit, so that's where I headed.

  I usually walk around the lake counter clockwise, so today I decided to do the opposite. Good thing I did. I got to the gazebo area and spotted both black crown night herons. One was across the lake and one was near the gazebo. The one near the gazebo was in a tough place to photograph but I gave it ago. I only have about a million trillion night heron pics :)

             I looked over to the island and saw an interesting bird. I wondered what it was as I  
    was running around the lake to get a better view. Oh yeah! It's an immature night heron! 

                                              I got around the lake and got this pic.....

     Cool! I was standing there admiring the bird and wishing he would move to a more photographic spot. He must have heard me because he flew across the lake and landed on the boardwalk! I hustled over there and got some very sweet photos!

     I continued around the lake and found the GBH and a mallard hanging out together. I love getting those interspecies pics. It looks like they are buddies :)

         There were at least 15 snowy egrets around and since I have a gazillion pics of them, I went for the silhouette shot........

    The night heron I had seen from the other side of the lake was hanging in his spot. I was pretty close when I got this pic. 

             I was almost around the lake and there were a bunch of cute little guys flying around. I got a lot of blurry shots before getting this sweet shot! It's a western wood-pewee. Very cute!
 I decided to head home but made a quick detour to stop at Prospect Park in Wheatridge.
 It was quiet but very pretty as I walked along the path. I was almost back to the parking lot when I decided to walk over to the lake that's very close by. This bird came flying by and I quickly realized it was another immature night heron. What? What were the odds I'd see 2 immatures in one day....crazy! He landed in a nearby tree, so I walked over. Just as I got there he flew along the lake heading north. But then I realized there was another one in the same tree. He took flight too but circled back to the same tree.

        What a fun day! Who knew I'd see 3 immature night herons in one day when I'd never seen one in my life before today!


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