Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy Friday!

I woke up to a beautiful day. The lawn needs to be mowed but there's still some snow covering the yard. Oh well, guess I'll go photographing. I decided to head over to Walden ponds in Boulder. There are quite a few ponds and lots of hiking trails, so it's always a great place to explore.

There wasn't much going on in the main pond so I walked back to the next pond. There were about 20 white pelicans putting on quite the show. One was trying to swallow a big cool!

It's hard to capture the beauty of the snow covered mountains in a photograph....every time I looked west and saw the the mountains, it took my breath away!

This time of year, the canada geese are doing some serious courting. I tried to capture some on video.....

I decided to hike over to the osprey nest and see what was going on. They put on quite the show as they soared higher and higher into the sky.....

About 3 years ago, I heard about some great horned owls in the Walden ponds area. I only saw one of them one time. I've been checking back for 3 years and could never find them again. Well today was my lucky day! Bam! There was a female GHO sitting on her nest!
She is beautiful! I'll be checking back to see her chicks......

Finally I pulled myself away from the owl and saw this cute bird. It's a townsend's solitaire

Further down the trail was this guy...a killdeer. They were all over but this one posed for me.

And finally I heard this male gold finch singing his heart out!

I decided to head over and check on my GHO friends near 75th St. This is where I startled the youngster and he puffed up big time. Well, all is well and both chicks are hanging with mom. I'm sure dad was around but did not see him today. The chicks sure are getting big!

I walked further down the trail and saw this eastern phoebe.

Then I saw this female gold finch....

I decided to check on my owl friends near Coot Lake. This pair is pretty shy so I only stop over once in awhile. I was wondering if their chicks had branched yet. First I found dad sitting in his usual spot behind lots of small branches. Obviously he does not like his picture taken....and finally today the female showed herself to me. I've known where the nest is for years but this is the first time she's picked her head up to look at me. Maybe they're getting used to me :)
So amazing how the GHO coloring blends right into the trees ,huh?

What a great day! When I got home I saw most of the remaining snow had melted. So guess I'm doing yard work tomorrow.

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