Yeah! I am so glad to be done with daylight savings. To celebrate, I went photographing at my favorite spot( Belmar Lake). It was nice and quiet around the lake. Just a few people walking their dogs......
The first duck I saw was this handsome hooded merganser! I love how they can move the feathers on their head for different looks. This is his slicked back look.....
Nearby was a very handsome gadwall.....
I noticed there were quite a few robins today. Hmmmmmm wonder if they are gathering to head south?
I love attempting to get photos of birds in flight. Sometimes you get lucky! This has never happened before but I got this mallard duck peeing/pooping as he flew by.....
Here are a couple of female hooded mergansers. Very cute!
Aaaah! My beloved reflection shot! Love it!
A great blue heron was flying around the lake. Eventually he landed in the tree where the cormorants nest in the summer time.
As I was scannng the lake, I looked up to see this squirrel looking at me, so I had to take his photo.
I was walking along the boardwalk when I spotted a pair of green winged teals! My first of the season. So darn cute!
The northern shovelers were enjoying the beautiful day too!
The buffleheads were also enjoying the beautiful day....
The mallards are pretty plentiful, so I don't always take their photo. Had to get a pic of this cute couple.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted some movement and spotted this black crown night heron. The light was great but had to give it a go....
Yup! More reflection shots!
Spotted this lesser scaup hanging out with the shovelers.
I was all done at Belmar lake, so stopped at Prospect Park on the way home. I had just started down the trail and the wind kicked up. Bummer! I knew it would greatly decrease my chances of seeing the birds, as they had all taken cover from the wind. So I did my usual lap and took one last look at the lake near the parking lot. Score! Mister wood duck was hanging with the mallards!
A pair of gadwalls flew by......
And a northern shoveler flew by.....
What a great way to start the day. Thanks for reading.....
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