Here's what I've been doing the last month or so. Setting up an Etsy page for my recycled clocks. The idea came to me about a year ago, so I started experimenting with different ways to design the clocks. Life happened as I bought a condo and moved last winter. It came with a garage- score! But it took awhile to get the garage set up as a workshop. Finally all the stars aligned and I got a few clocks put together and ready to sell! As you can see I used some of my favorite photos to make each clock unique.
I have plans to also do custom clocks for people using their favorite photo. So stay tuned for that......
And I have plans for new items on my Easy page such as potholders made from t-shirts and of course I will be adding my notecards and photo prints too!
Just go to and search for mollydog designs to see what I'm selling. As readers of my blog, I will happily discount any of my items for you! Contact me directly at and we can make it happen!
This photo is an old truck I saw up in Gold Hill and then used the prism app to make it look like a painting.
mountain goat youngsters on Mt Evans
Award winning photo of a red fox
Moose at Brained lake
Barn on 75th St in town of Hygiene using the prism app
I call this sunrise owlet
Thanks for checking out my Easy page!
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