Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday at Walden Ponds

We are having some spectacular weather for Memorial Day weekend. So of course I had to get out for some photographing today! I decided to stay close to home, so I headed over to Walden Ponds. On the way, I took a look for my owl friends but no one was around. The youngsters are very mobile, so I knew it would be a crap shoot to find them. Oh well.....

Walden Ponds did not disappoint! This cute robin welcomed me as I started out......

The views of the snow capped mountains was amazing!

Yes! Yellow warblers are so gorgeous! This guy was high up in the tree but I had to attempt a few pics!

Bullock's orioles were everywhere but they usually stay high up in the trees. I got very lucky with this flight shot and then he perched nearby. These birds are pretty special! They arrive in early May, quickly build a nest, have their young and head south in early August. So I always look forward to seeing them each spring!

I didn't walk far before seeing a tree full of swallows. This is a violet green swallow......

And this is a bank swallow! I would have thought it was a northern rough wing swallow but luckily I met a birder and after chatting about swallows, it helped me realize who this was.

The western wood-pewees were everywhere! Luckily this one posed nicely for me!

The wrens were everywhere too!

And I saw one goose family!

Yea! Then a yellow warbler gave me some nice shots!

Sweet! My first sand piper of the season! I have been hearing them but not seeing them until today. 

The sand piper was hanging out with the killdeer.....

Looks like they are having a meeting.....

Turtle reflection!

I was back at the trailhead and saw this robin with a mouthful of worms! Yum!

And then she flew into her nest under the picnic shelter. Looks like two youngsters!

There was a pair of avocets in the main pond.I never get tired of seeing these birds!

So next I stopped at 75th St but all was quiet so I headed back over to my see my owl friends. Just as I got out of the car, the crows were making a fuss. So of course I had to see what the fuss was. Yup! They were harassing Sonny. He was tucked into a big cottonwood and dealing with all the fuss nicely. Bummer, but he was not in a place to get any pics. The crews continued harassing him for a bit and then a sharp shinned hawk and a blue jay joined in too. It was quite noisy for a bit.....

I decided to walk down the old nest trail. My friends and I had wondered if the owlets would get over there eventually. I didn't see anyone but I will check again soon.
I did see two large snapping turtles soaking up the sun. And I also ran into my drumming teacher, Gregg!

This nest hole was occupied by downy woodpeckers two summers ago. Now the wrens are taking it over......

It was time to head home and I took the scenic route through Lagerman rez and crane hollow road. Here's a couple of views of Longs Peak.....

Well, it was a fantastic morning with amazing weather and getting to spend time in Nature! 
Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Thanks for reading!

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