Sunday, June 17, 2012

Saturday evening fun!

I always go to my favorite photographic spot first thing in the morning. I do like the morning light but wondered what the evening light would look like. So I headed down to check it out. I got there around 6pm. It was early and the light was still pretty intense but it gave me time to scoop out what wildlife was around.

I headed over to see the baby swallows. The other day they looked ready to bust out of the nest, so I wondered if they had fledged. I peeked into the nest box and it was empty. As I wondered where they were, I heard some familiar chirping. It was the baby swallows asking for food. It took a minute before I located them on a tree branch. All three were there. Two of them were sitting close together and the third one was off to the left. And just as I focused on them, mom showed up with some dinner!

       I continued on and quickly spotted my night heron friend! Sweet!

After enjoying the night heron, I headed over to see if I could find momma wood duck and her 9 ducklings. She wasn't around but I did see a pair of kingfishers. They were putting on quite the show. Diving completely under water to get some fish. I attempted to get some photos which was quite challenging. Here are some bad pics to give you an idea of their fishing technique.

Of course, I will be attempting to get some good pics of them fishing, so stay tuned!

I continued on and saw one of the snowy egrets fishing. I never get tired of their beauty!

I had completed one lap of the lake and was starting on the second one. The night heron was in the same location and now the other one had appeared too. I'm guessing they are a mated pair but the male and females look very similiar, so I'm not sure.

                   I was hoping they'd sit close together but it never happened. This is as close as 
                   they got.

                                                      This one decided to nap.......

I did find the momma wood duck and her four ducklings. How cute are they?

It was very fun to go at dusk, so I'll be doing that again very soon!

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