I headed over to see how the baby swallows were doing.....
Too bad there is all that bird poop on the edge of the nest. This is very cute,huh? I had thought there was 2 babies but as you can see, there are 3!
I looked across the lake and saw the night heron tucked some brush along the shore line. Sweet! I hustled around the lake hoping to get some pics of this very cool bird!
Just as I got over there, he decided to fly back across the lake....bummer!
Oh well, I continued around the lake enjoying the beautiful day. All of a sudden, I heard this squawking in the sky. I looked up to see 2, yes 2 black crown night herons. Wow! Seeing 2 flying together was so amazing! One kept flying but one landed in a near by tree.
As I was walking along, I saw this cute little guy posing for me. It's a spotted sand piper.
I continued over to the small pond to look for the wood ducks. Sweet! Momma was there with 9 babies!
I watched them for quite awhile. They were swimming around and then mom grabbed a very large crayfish. I was at a bad angle to get really good pics but you get the idea...very cool!
I continued around the lake to the east side. I started to take some pics of a cute baby duckling and one of the night herons flew by and landed on a near by tree! I felt very blessed to have him show up for more pics!
I walked over to the gazebo to look at the commorant nest. I could barely see some baby heads peeking over the nest and thre was a snowy egret sitting nearby.
Then I looked up in the sky to see some pelicans soaring....
As I walked along the creek on the north side of the lake, I saw another momma wood duck and 4 babies!
I can see that I'll need to check back on a regular basis to see how the young wood ducks are doing.
I also saw 2 pair of kingfishers....
I just love the sound that these guys make when flying around.....
Finally after 4 hours of photographic fun, it was time to go home. I got one last shot of a momma mallard and some of her chicks...
what an incredible day!
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