There was still a faint chill in the air which felt great! As I started around the lake, I heard the avocet calling. A closer look revealed 2 young avocets...soooo cute! Look closely in the second pic and you'll see the baby avocet underneath his mom.
I finally pulled myself away from the avocets and continued around the lake.
I almost tripped over these two......
I heard the familiar sound of the female wood duck. She still has all four of her! They were zipping around so fast, it was a challenge to get a halfway decent pic...
A bit further along the path was one of the snowy egrets.....
And then my favorite bird, the night heron was hanging out.....
There are a gizillion swallows at these lake. I love watching them soar through the sky eating all those insects. I got this one while he was taking a break....
I looked out onto the small island and another snowy egret was perched in the tree.....
Yup! more baby mallards! How cute!
I started my second lap and got more pics of the young avocets. So fuzzy and too cute!
I was about halfway around the lake and saw the other night heron. I got a few pics of him and then realized there were friends nearby. A mallard and 3 turtles......
One of the snowy egrets stopped by as I was photographing the night heron....
I almost finished with my second lap of the lake. I was watching a couple of the snowy egreat when something flew by......holy sh#t! It was one of the night herons!
Ha! What a great way to start the day!
Happy 4th of July!
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