Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday morning

Rain, rain, rain! What a beautiful sight! It started raining Saturday afternoon and rained all through the night. That hardly ever happens in Colorado, so I was loving it.
It was cloudy this morning as I got ready to go out photographing. That's actually good light to photograph by, so I happy to see the clouds.

I headed down to my favorite spot to see those cute baby avocets....

           I finally pulled myself away and went looking for momma wood duck and her kids. 
     Instead I found the spotted sand piper posing for me.

             I went looking for the night heron and there he was.......

    I went back over to watch the baby avocets and saw this gigantic carp swimming around. 
  Must have been 2 1/2 ft to 3 ft long!

      I continued around the lake and heard some bull frogs calling back and forth. It's quite challenging to get a pic as they scoot into the water before you can get close enough. But this time I got lucky! I was about 4 feet away and able to get these shots through all the grasses.....

        I looked up from photographing the frog and got the egret shot. I see them flying all over 
   the lake but never within photographic range. Today I finally got a decent shot!

        I see rabbits all the time but had to photograph this cute baby bunny!

       I finally found momma wood duck and the kids.......

        These 2 mallards are having breakfast.......

     I usually see the cormorants in the big dead tree where the nests are. They also fly by but photographing black objects as they fly by is pretty challenging. Today they were over by the momma wood duck....check out those green eyes! The light colored one is a juvenile. I see them holding out their wings all the time. It seems their feathers are not waterproof, so they need to dry them off after they dive for fish.


                It looked like it was gonna start raining, I decided to head home. I took a quick detour and saw 2 wilson's snipe! Excellent! So much for them being shy birds,huh?

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