Monday, July 16, 2012

Owl update

I finally got my butt over to see the owls the other evening. I had heard the youngsters had made the move over to the other side of the lake. Just like last summer, it seems Sonny( dad) moves them across the lake. There are large fields for them to learn how to hunt and a few buildings with flat roofs for them to hang out on. There also some large cottonwood trees for them to roost in.

It was almost dark when we finally heard them calling for food. They flew across the field and one of them landed in this tree.

I was lucky to get this pic before they flew over to the building roof tops. They hung out on the roof calling for dinner. It was way past dark and the mosquitos came out in full force! So I was forced to call it a night and head home.

Both Nike and Elmo look good. Very healthy and growing into beautiful adult great horned owls.

And just like last summer it seems that Cher( mom) is on her summer sabbatical. Seems right around this time, she takes a well deserved break and hands the all parental duties over to Sonny. I often wonder if all GHOs do this or it's just this pair. Either way, I find it fascinating to watch, observe and learn from these amazing Beings!

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