Saturday, April 27, 2013

More Owl Fun!

I popped over this morning to see how Athena was doing. She was in a small tree about 10 feet off the ground. Seems Cher had brought her some rabbit for breakfast and she dropped it. So Sonny swooped down and picked it up and brought it back to Cher. Seems they had a discussion as what to do next....

So then Cher flew into a tree near Athena. Cher started eating the rabbit and Athena was very hungry. So she slowly climbed up towards mom to get breakfast. Cher is one smart mom. That was her way of getting Athena high up into the trees where she'd be safe.
Finally Athena reached mom and was rewarded with a rabbit's foot.

Now a happy gal, Athena had a full belly.

Cher flew into a nearby tree for a few minutes. Then she came back and started preening Athena. Was so sweet to watch how mom takes care of her young.

Athena was feeling good, so she stretched those wings.....look mom!

As I watching Cher and Athena, a bird flew into a nearby tree. It was a sharp shinned hawk.
Crazy! Yesterday it was a coopers hawk and today a sharpie. Guess they wanted to check out the new kid on the block.

The hawk flew off and then 4 crows showed up. Now crows and owls are arch enemies but interestingly enough, the crows sat quietly and watched Athena and Cher. They didn't dive bomb them, just observed. Very interesting......
They flew off and all was quiet. I got a few more pics and headed home. What a great day!

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