Thursday, April 18, 2013

Owls and Meadowlarks

 What a fun day! Finally I was able to get out and do some photographing. It had snowed the last 3 days, so I needed some fresh air.
 I headed over to check on my owl friends. It was only 15' so momma Cher was keeping her youngster warm. The owlet is old enough that Cher normally does not spend much time in the nest. But the cold temps changed all that.

     Sonny was close by trying to keep warm.

  Here's what Twin Lakes looks like with lots of snow. It will melt fast and we always need the moisture. Spring time in the rockies......

   I took a walk around one of the lakes and spotted these guys. They are common mergansers. Someday I hope to get a decent pic of them.

After enjoying my owl friends, I decided to drive around and find a sopt to get some good pics of the flatirons covered in snow. I only had my telephoto lens with me which made it a bit tricky. I started heading south looking for a good spot. As I was driving down Cherryvale, I spotted an osprey looking fishing for breakfast. He/she was flying over Baseline reservoir but
didn't catch anything. 

I finally decided to drive all the way to south Louisville to get a good shot of the flatirons. I'm so glad I did because I ended up saving a medowlark's life. As I drove down macaslin, I spotted a young meadowlark sitting in the middle of the road. I quickly pulled over, waited for traffic to clear and then was able to pick him up. I let him know I was here to help and he totally relaxed and trusted me! His mom was flying around but she didn't dive bomb me as she also knew I was trying to help. I held him for a minute and then I took a look at him. I thought he may have a broken wing but luckily he just had a big muddy slush ball which had caused his feathers on one wing to stick together. I melted the slush ball with the heat of my hand and then hiked through knee deep snow to get him to the tree where his mom was waiting. I opened my hand and he flew to the closest branch! Yeah! My good deed for the day!

Here's an okay pic of the flatirons.....

This evening I decided to stop back over to see my owl friends. The baby owl was quite active and very fun to watch.

While I was watching the owls, a cute little bird was flitting around. I think it's a vireo but I'll have to do some research. Cute,huh?

   Well, I couldn't have asked for more perfect day. Got to take lots of photos, had lunch with my friends and save a meadowlark from being smooshed by a car. Life is Good!

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