Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saturday Fun!

         I was taking a class on Saturday morning down in Lakewood. The class started at 10:30am, so that left me plenty of time to go photographing at my favorite spot. 
 It started of kind of slow. I saw the usuals such as this northern shoveler.....

 and a pair of ring necked ducks......

   And a cute pair of buffleheads

    And then it got very interesting! I saw a song bird fly by and quickly realized it was somebody new! Sweet! It was a say's phoebe. Very cute! I had not seen or photographed one before so this was a "life" bird for me.

   After enjoying the phoebe, I was looking out over the biggest lake and saw this huge object flying towards me. It looked like a 747 but ended up being an immature bald eagle. Seems the ducks knew he was around as there a bit of nervous scurrying around. He did a flew laps over the lake and flew off....very cool!

  I continued around the lake and saw my great blue heron friend. 

    As I was photographing the GBH, a woman and her dog( very cute corgi) said hello. The woman mentioned she had seen a strange bird in the small pond. Hmmmm maybe it was my black crown night heron friend. so I hustled over there and there he was. He was sitting where I found him the other day. So I decided to have a seat and observe him for a bit. After a few minutes, he hopped over a few feet to grab a fish. He missed, so he sat the for a minute. Look how he blends in and all you can see are orange feet.

   Ha! My patience was rewarded and he decided to fly across the pond. Look how his wing almost touches the water.

After enjoying the night heron, I continued on and got some pics of the male bufflehead doing a water landing. Those are some big feet for such a little bird. These guys are about 1/2 the size of a mallard.

   I had been looking for the wood ducks but had no luck. But while I was watching the buffleheads, I heard a familiar peep,peep,peep. Ha! There they were swimming right towards me! I will never get tired of admiring their beauty!

 It was time to get to class, so I was walking towards the car. A man was looking through his binoculars as I walked towards him. Sweet! He was looking at a pair of mountain bluebirds. The light was a bit harsh but I grabbed a few that color blue!

 Well, a slow start certainly got pretty exciting! I hope you enjoy the pics!

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