Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mom's Day!

 It looks like we are done with our spring snows here in Colorado. At least I hope so. We have gotten some nice rain this week. That was lovely! It can rain all summer........
My friend Carol enjoys my blogs and enjoys bird watching. So today she tagged along to 
see where I photograph. Her work schedule doesn't allow her to be a morning person but today she was. The early morning light is the best for photography, so she was up the birds today.
First we headed down to my favorite spot. My avocet friends were there looking fabulous!

Then I saw this cute guy. Hmmmm, I wasn't sure who this was but a male red winged blackbird was sitting above, so I suspected it was an immature red wing. When I got home, I looked it up and it was an immature red wing! Ha! I am good!

We only took a few steps before seeing the first goslings of the year! So cute!

We finally pulled ourselves away and continued around the lake. A turtle gave me a very cool reflection shot!

And then a great butt shot as he dove into the water.

A cute pair of blue winged teals.......looking good!

 The swallows were enjoying all the new insects flying around. This is a barn swallow......

And this is a tree swallow.......

There were quite a few geese around. This one decided it was nap time......

Finally, there was this cutie. I'm not sure but I'm gonna guess it's a female yellow warbler.

So we were done at my favorite spot, so we headed up to Prospect park. We saw the GH owlets. They are getting big but were not in a good place for pics.
Then we went over to see the cormorant/ heron nests. We spotted some GBH chicks in the nest but it was to far for a good pic.
On the way home we stopped at Metzler's open space to see the GBH rookery. We also spotted some GBH young. I'll have to get back for some pics when the light is better.

A very fun day for sure! Happy mom's day everyone!

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