Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Midweek Fun!

I was a hard working gal yesterday so I could have today off. I needed to check in with a kitty I was watching in east Boulder. So I took Hazel and my camera along. There's a great hiking trail called the Teller Farm trail very nearby where I was cat sitting. So I figured I'd feed the cat and then Hazel and I could do a fun hike. 

As we were driving over to the trail, I spotted a red tailed hawk in the dead tree on Cherryvale rd. What a show he put on for me! He would take off and do a big loop before landing in the same tree. He did that 2 or 3 times before he took off and flew across the field. So cool!

After enjoying the hawk, I checked in with the kitty and then we headed over to the trail. Hazel was so excited! There are nice open fields along side the trail to chase that tennis ball!

This is the view of the mountains. So beautiful!

It seemed to be red tail day! 3 of them were circling above me.....

Then I saw a farmer plowing his field nearby and I realized the hawks were looking for lunch.
Yes, the hawks are smart enough to know that when a field is getting plowed, it may expose some yummy rodents that would make a delicious lunch. 

Well after a 2 hour hike, I was ready to head home. Even Hazel was slightly tired :)
As I driving down Arapahoe Rd, I spotted a red tail sitting in a field. I pulled over as quick as I could. My guess was the hawk had caught lunch and maybe I'd get some good pics.
Then a magpie flew in and I waited for a fight to break out. Well, it seems the two of them had a chat and the hawk gave lunch to the magpie. I have never seen that before or even read about that. It was so cool! 
The quality of the pics is not good but the whole situation was so unusual that I just had to share!

Thanks for reading!

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