Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day!

Finally! The second owlet left the nest last night! As I was looking in the nest I heard the familiar sound of a baby owlet calling for food. I followed the sounds and quickly found him
about 25-30 feet up in a tree. Quite a feat for a little guy! At first he was just hanging out but then he decided to go exploring. Here's what happened in pics.......

Yup! I was pretty sure he was gonna fall and he did! Luckily he landed on the soft grass but he did look a bit surprised......

Sonny immediately flew over to watch over the kid......

To get back to the trees, this guy had to jump into the cement drainage ditch. It's about 4 feet deep....

I was wondering if I was going to have to help him by finding a branch so he could crawl out....nope! He figured it out. He crawled halfway up and then jumped up to safety.

He found a safe place to tuck in and rest for a bit.....

Cher was also around keeping an eye on the kids...

I had seen them yesterday but was able to get some pics today. A pair of wood ducks was flying around looking for a good place to nest. I sure hope they nest nearby.....

Well, that was a fun way to celebrate Earth Day! Enjoy!

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