Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Owlet Update

There is no time for sleep during owlet season! Things happen so fast and before you know it, it's autumn and the owlets have grown and left to find their own territory. Luckily I am a morning person and it is fairly easy for me to get up early. So once again I got up, took care of the 4 legged kids and jumped in the car. After the last two days of amazing pics and experiences with the owls, I didn't think anything could top it..........

So I get to the nest area and I quickly spot owlet #2 climbing up the tree limb. Momma Cher is close by supervising.

As owlet #2( yes, he does need a name) climbs, I realize Sweet Pea( owlet #1) is also there! That was mindblowing because yesterday Sweet Pea was about 100 feet down the trail and about 30 feet up in a tree. Since owlets can't fly yet, she had to walk, jump and hop to get to this spot. Crazy! Must have taken her most of the night to do that.
This is the fourth year I have watched this pair of owls and their off spring. It has always taken the owlets about two weeks to reunite after leaving the nest. So this was a first and very cool!

So Sweet Pea continued to climb higher.....

Owlet #2 tried to follow but he's not as strong as Sweet Pea. So it was very entertaining to watch him attempt to follow his sister. He made many attempts but to no avail....

Finally it was nap time for this very tired owlet....

Owlet #3 was also asleep so I headed home to get Hazel out for a hike and maybe I will need a nap too!

Thanks for reading!

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