Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A Fun Day at Coot Lake

      I wasn't planning to write up a blog today but it was such a fun morning, I just had to share. I noticed last week that some common mergansers were hanging out on Coot lake. I knew they were just passing through and could leave at anytime. So I have been bringing my camera when Hazel and I go for a hike. I got a few decent pics of the common mergansers on Saturday but today I was hoping to get some better pics.
   So Hazel and I hit the trail about 7:30am. It was a bit chilly at around 30' but the sun was shining, so off we went!

This huge cottonwood sometimes hosts a pair of bald eagles but not today.....

We got to the large wood pile and heard the sweet song of the meadowlark......

We finally reached the south end of Coot lake and watched a couple of crows taking a bath...

We circled around to the east side and I quickly scouted the huge flock of ducks. There were at least 40 redhead ducks! I've seen redheads before but never this many at one time!
There was quite a bit of courting going on as they started to pair up.....

I thought I was photographing the common mergansers but I quickly realized these were red breasted mergansers! Wow! A life bird for me! I spent at least a 1/2 hour watching and photographing these ducks! Hazel was happy to lay down and enjoy the beautiful day while I took a million pics!

There were a few common mergansers on the other side of the lake and finally one got close enough for a pic.....

This guy was a bit far away for decent pics but I had to try as he was gulping down a big ol fish!

A Wednesday morning view.....

Finally it was time to head home, so we hiked back to the car. As I was getting Hazel in the car in the parking lot, a couple of guys getting ready to go running, noticed my camera. They told me they'd seen a bald eagle eating something on Monarch road just a few minutes ago. I quickly thanked them and I drove over as quick as possible.

Wow! Well I found him/her but it wasn't a bald eagle, it was a golden eagle! I know they are around but I don't see them too often. So this was fantastic! He/she was a bit far out in the field for a good pic, but I had to give it a go. The magpie was hanging around hoping for leftovers.....

When the eagle was done eating, he/she flew in a nearby tree and I able to get a few more pics!

Look at that wingspan!

Who would have guessed that a ordinary hike around Coot lake would lead to such exciting sightings of the red breasted mergansers and a golden eagle too!
That's why I live here! Colorado is a beautiful place to enjoy the outdoors!

Thanks for reading!

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