Sunday, March 25, 2018

Checking In With My Owl Friends

Yea! I got out photographing today! I picked up a fun part time job at home Depot last summer. I work quite a few Saturdays which is fine with me, but then Hazel needs a hike on Sunday. Sure I've taken the camera on our hikes, but it can be hit or miss as to what I see during the hike.

In the retail world, department and store meetings are held before or after the store closes. So that means really early or really late. Lucky for me our meetings are really early! I can get up early quite easily but keep me up past my bedtime and I'm a mess for the week.
So we had our dept meeting today at 5am. Yup! 5am!!! I figured since I was up really early, I'd pack up the camera and snacks to head out for some photographing post dept meeting.

I decided to stay local so I headed over to visit my owl friends. The owlets were hatched a few weeks ago, so thought I'd check in. I quickly found Sonny enjoying the morning sun as he watched over the nest. Cher was on the nest but it was not possible to get a good pic. So I figured I'd come back later when the light was better for nest pics.

I headed over to Walden Ponds to see what was going on. I quickly spotted this greater yellow legs getting breakfast. He/she was a bit far out on the pond but I had to attempt a decent pic.

The views of the mountains are always breath taking!

This handsome downy woodpecker was zipping up and down the tree trunks looking for breakfast too.

The robins were everywhere!

 I walked over to see if the ospreys were back for the summer...yup! I was hoping one of them would go fishing in the pond below their nest but they were too busy preening.....

This ring necked duck was hanging out with a pair of widgeons.....

These lesser goldfinches were all over the place but finally one stopped for a quick pic....

Not much else was going on, so I stopped over at 75th street to see if the dipper was around. Nope! But a cute pair of mallards posed nicely.....

I headed back over to see my owl friends. My friends Mary and Sherry live nearby, so they met me over there. Now the light was better, so I got a nice shot of Cher in the nest.

Sonny had moved across the path to another sunny spot.........

A fellow photographer, Bodo, who I've known for years was at the owl nest. He always sets up his camera so people can look into the nest. There were a few people enjoying a beautiful Sunday morning but no other photographers.
Bodo mentioned about the other owl nest down the bike path. My friends had mentioned those owls last year but I never got to see them. So we followed Bodo over there to check it out.

The male GHO was also enjoying the sunny day! I'm pretty sure he's offspring of Sonny and Cher. Just look at him!

The female was tucked into the nest. Thankfully Bodo knew where it was as I never would have spotted it.

A family of raccoons live a few trees over. There was some movement, so we all hoped a youngster peeked out but no luck. Just a ball of fur....... 

Well, what a fun morning! Got to enjoy the beautiful day, see my owl friends and my human friends! Hazel got a neighborhood walk and I got to take a well deserved nap!

Thanks for reading!

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