Sunday, August 4, 2013

Walden Ponds Fun!

     Whew! It has been a crazy few weeks! I sold my home, found an apartment to rent in Boulder, moved into the apartment and started a new job! So that left no time to go out photographing. Finally this morning was the perfect day to get out and enjoy the day!
I decided to stay local and pop over to Walden Ponds in east Boulder. 

The water in the ponds is pretty low this time of year which is good for the shore birds. Easy for them to find food......The first bird I saw was a great blue heron doing some fishing. I do love those reflection shots!

Walden Ponds is not far from where the hot air balloons take off from...

I headed over to see the ospreys. On the way I saw this cute squirrel and robin enjoying some yummy berries!

I reached the osprey nest and was happy to see them just hangin out. We have quite a few osprey around Colorado and it's always fun to see them.

I was hoping to see lots of butterflies but only saw this one. The colors are spectacular!

A cute bunny stopped long enough for me to get his pic....

I was heading back and spotted this guy. I wasn't sure what he was but when I got back to the parking lot, there was a birding group. They helped me identify him as a peregrine falcon! Awesome! I know they nest up in the foothills above Boulder but I have never seen one. So this was fantastic!

The pelicans were also enjoying the beautiful day.....

I was having so much fun, I decided to drive over to the trailhead at 75th and Jay. I had just started down the trail when a GBH flew by. I continued down the trail but it was pretty quiet, so I turned around and headed back to the parking lot.

I was almost back to the car when I spotted the GBH sitting in the tree. I know it normal for them to perch in trees but it still fascinates me as they look so out of place sitting in a tree. I think he was the one that flew by me earlier.

So I'm standing there enjoying the GBH and a hummingbird zips by. Whoa! I had been hearing them all morning but had no chance of grabbing a photo. Now they were zipping around and I was able to grab some good pics!

What a fun morning! It felt so good to get out and do some photographing! I hope you enjoy!

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