Friday, April 25, 2014

Another Fun Day!

Whew! I cannot remember the last time I blogged this many days in a row! It has been a very busy and fun week for sure!

I usually am up around 5:30 am if I'm going to see the owls. Well, I woke up at 6:15am. Crap!
That's when I usually get to the owls. Somehow I got Hazel and the kitties taken care, made coffee, grabbed breakfast and was out the door in 15 minutes. Not sure how I did that.....

So I get to the nest area, look up and there is Tulip( aka #3) sitting with Momma Cher! I almost dropped the camera! Of course I have seen Cher sitting with one or more of the kids but it was always in a place that I couldn't get a good pic. So I started firing as this was a very special moment!

After Cher posed for all those pics, she flew to her favorite spot to watch over the owlets and soak up the sunshine!

I was still buzzing from seeing Cher with Tulip. All was quiet for a minute with the owls, so I walked over to the lakes. Some friends had mentioned there were some avocets hanging around. Sure enough, there they were......

The light was coming up nicely, so I went back to check on the owls. Tulip posed very nicely for me!

I went over to the other tree to see Sweet Pea and Poppy. As I walked under them, one peered down at me......

And there they were enjoying the sunshine!

Finally it was time to go. As I walked down the path I heard the familiar call of the wood ducks and there they were...right in front of me! I had not seen them the past two days, so I was happy to see they are still considering nesting around here....

Thanks for reading!

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