Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Nest is Empty!

Yup! Owlet #3 is out of the nest! I did not expect the owlet to leave before Saturday or Sunday, so it was a nice surprise. As I walked up to the nest area, I quickly spotted a cute owlet sitting in a very tiny tree about 6 feet off the ground.

 As I was enjoying seeing this little one, I saw a bald eagle fly by and land in a nearby tree. So I hustled over to the east lake to check it out....The light was not very good but it was a thrill to see an eagle.

While watching the eagle I spotted a pair of osprey circling the lake looking for breakfast. Again the light was not good, so I settled for this silhouette of an osprey. wow! I had been here about 15 minutes and already saw eagles, osprey and owls. I wondered what else I would see.

I headed back to owl #3 for more pics. Check out those talons!

Sweet Pea and Poppy( aka #2) were tucked in all cozy! I wonder how long it will take before #3 joins them.....

I knew Sonny was across the path and so did the crows. They love to harass owls, eagles and hawks. They were making quite a bit of noise, so I attempted to get some pics.
That is one of Sonny's jobs, to keep the crows away from his kids. That is one of the reasons he sits a bit further from the nest area.....

There is a stream that runs in front of the nest area. I heard a splash and spotted a mink! I had briefly seen one two years ago, so it was cool to see one again. They are so friggin fast that I had no chance at getting a pic. Well, Cher saw him too and felt he was too close to owlet #3. So she started clapping her beak to warn him. Luckily he kept moving or he may have been breakfast for the owls.

Finally, all was quiet and Cher took some time to relax. She is one busy mom!

Thanks for reading!

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