Sunday, April 23, 2017

Happy Earth Day- a day later

I do like to go out photographing on Earth Day but I couldn't pull it off this year. But I figured a day later would work as every day should be Earth Day!

So I just had to go back down to my favorite place to see what was going on. It wasn't as exciting as a couple of weeks ago, but still very fun!

As I headed for the main lake, I heard the familiar call of the wood duck. Yes, he was in the small pond by the gazebo. I never get tired of seeing these handsome dudes!

I headed for where the avocets hang out, but no one was around. But this tree swallow kindly posed for me.....

Finally, Mr. avocet showed to get his photo taken......

not much else was going on, so I continued on my loop. Here's a gadwall couple enjoying the beautiful day......

I was almost around the main lake when I spotted a few tree swallows checking out a potential nest.....

I made many attempts to get a flight shot but these guys are FAST! This was the best one I got......

cute couple.....

The barn swallows are back too.....

Almost all the shovelers have headed north. There were just a couple of dudes hanging out.....

The gadwalls were quite active....

I was not expecting to see the cinnamon teals as they tend to just hang around for a short time before moving on. So it was a pleasant surprise to see them. Check out that blue patch on mrs. cinnamon....

I headed back to see the swainson hawks and there they were. They weren't in a good spot for pics but I have all summer to get some.....

I spotted Mr. wood duck again. He was now on the west side of the main lake. No sign of Mrs. wood duck.....

Besides spotting the wood duck, I also got to see my friend Neil. I had not seen him all winter so it was good to catch up with him. We both got to enjoy the yellow jumped warblers...

I was headed back to see what the avocets were doing and this kestrel showed up to get his pic taken.....

I also refound the cinnamons who were now on the north side....

Finally got back to the avocet area and Mrs avocet posed nicely.....

Mrs mallard was sleeping with one eye open cause that's what they do. Pretty cool!

 Found the cinnamons again!

Neil had mentioned the cooper's hawks were around, so I went to check it out. And there was Mrs cooper......

What was more interesting was a pair of geese on top of one of the office buildings.
One of them decided to take a leap....

I missed the pics of the goose sliding down the metal  roof but it sure was funny.....

I headed back to the main lake and walked over near the GBH/ cormorant nests. There was this goose on her nest under the nests. Hmmm maybe not the best place as there is bird poop on her from up above.

Then this cormorant decides he needs a stick right by her nest. She was not happy and told him so!

Mr. avocet flew by.....

Finally, it was time to head home but I had to check on the cooper's one more time. Now she was on the nest making sure all was well. It's always so fun to see the young hawks, so stay tuned!

Here's the goose couple on another building.....

And Mr. squirrel was right by the car so I had to say hi and take his pic.....

Always a fun day anytime I get out to go photographing. Thanks for reading!

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